The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage

The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage is a farce (ATU 85). He stands in the Children's and Household Tales of the Brothers Grimm in place 23 (KHM 23) and comes from Hans Michael Moscherosch Whimsical and warhafftige face Philanders of custom forest of 1642. Clemens Brentano published it in 1806 in the Baden weekly as The Story of the Mouse, the Bird and bratwurst.


Mouse, the woodpecker (with Grimm: a bird ) and bratwurst live together: The woodpecker bring wood, the mouse gets some water, make a fire and setting the table, cooking bratwurst. Another bird speaks the woodpecker one, he would have the hardest work, and he insists on loose. The sausage will fetch wood and is eaten by the dog. The woodpecker complains, but the dog indicates to have found forged letters on her. The mouse falls into the food. The woodpecker seeks it. The result is fire. The woodpecker want to delete and falls with the bucket into the well.


Note Grimm notes the source, Philanders of custom wood visions thl. 2, as well as people Stöbers booklet p.99 godfather and godmother Mysel Läverwürstel in the new Prussian. Provincial sheets 1, 226 Long live also continued orally, only little mouse and sausages took turns cooking.

Grimm processing builds visible on the Brentano's on ( although they do not call him ), who had pointed to the text. Brentano was here true to the text in modern German, but reduced the socio-political morality at the beginning and the end. This was accounted for entirely Grimm, of the woodpecker, a bird. The final edition of 1857 differs only by further orthographic and grammatical adjustments.

Moscherosch society parabola was so transformed by Brentano and Grimm fairy tale into an animal. This particularly interested in the Grimms, see, eg, KHM 58 The Dog and the Sparrow. The here given by Brentano patterns for selection and editing literary sources they followed later again and again.


Published in 2007, the former lead singer of the British band Pulp, Jarvis Cocker, the English version The bird, the mouse and the sausage as a B- side of his single Do not let him waste your time.
