The Return of the Prodigal Son (Rembrandt)

The Return of the Prodigal Son is one of the most famous paintings by Rembrandt van Rijn. The painting is located in the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg.

Image description

The subject of the painting is taken from the parable of the prodigal son in the Gospel of Luke. It tells of the reckless son who left his father's house and lived a sinful life, and now returns after ordeals home. Restrained but insistently reported Rembrandt about the inner experience of father and son. The young man kneels before his father, his clothes reminded that the distance traveled was long and difficult. His character who turns his back to the viewer, foreshadows his confused mental state. The blind old woman coming to a son down and touched with a gentle motion of his shoulder. Face and hands of the Father express love, kindness and forgiveness. He let his son give the ring master of the house and cover the festive table.


The tragic figure of this parable is the figure of the brother. He feels treated unfairly by the father. The question of justice is in this parable in the center. Rembrandt makes it clear that the earthly justice is different from the divine. The humanism of Rembrandt, his faith in the people of the great power of love, received its highest expression in this work. Its bold graphic nature and the warm tone of the colors are the internal structure of the work.
