The Strain

The seed is a novel by Chuck Hogan and the Mexican director and writer Guillermo del Toro from the year 2009. Originally published the novel under the title " The Strain " in 2009. The novel is the first of a trilogy.


Located in New York JFK airport lands a passenger aircraft and has no apparent reason are on the runway. All systems are turned off and there is no sign of life from the machine. The disease expert Ephraim Good Weather enters with his assistant the plane and takes up to 4 people only bloodless corpses.

The action continues in the books Blood and The Night.

TV series

On September 21, 2012, announced that an adaptation of the novel is planned as a TV series. The American cable channel FX Network has secured the rights and Carlton Cuse already committed as showrunner. A pilot episode is therefore already ordered what Guillermo del Toro will write along with Chuck Hogan also wrote the screenplay. In addition to Del Toro also stage the first episode as well as serve as executive producer alongside Cuse the series.


  • This novel is also available as an audio book, read by David Nathan. The English version reads Ron Perlman.


  • Chuck Hogan Guillermo del Toro collaboration with: The seed, Heyne, 2009, ISBN 3-453-2663-90