Theme-centered interaction

The Theme-Centered Interaction (TCI ) is a concept to work in groups. The aim is social learning and personal development.

  • 3.1 identify the topic
  • Hold 3.2 Balance
  • 3.3 enable group
  • 6.1 journal

Origin and destination

TCI has been developed since the mid-1950s in the U.S. by the psychoanalyst and psychologist Ruth Cohn, of the therapist Norman Liberman, Yitzchak Zieman and of other representatives of humanistic psychology and later developed in Europe and India. TCI was the theoretical framework of psychoanalysis, group therapy and humanistic psychology and takes into account experiences from the Gestalt therapy and group dynamics. The original concern Ruth Cohn was to develop a concept that " the originally healthy people to have a life in which he can stay healthy ." Health refers not only to individual well-being, but also on the political responsibility in the world.

Concept of TCI


The concept of TCI develops on the basis of three axioms:


The axioms lead to the postulates:

  • Be your own Chairperson, the Chairperson of yourself! Therein lies the invitation yourself, others and perceive the environment in the possibilities and limitations and to accept every situation as an offer for your own decision.
  • Disorders have priority! (in the sense of " to take precedence " ) " The postulate that disturbances and passionate feelings take precedence means that we recognize the reality of man; and this includes the fact that our vibrant, emotionally moving bodies and souls are carriers of our thoughts and actions. "
  • Günter Hoppe suggested 1994 as the third postulate ago: " Sit down with your outer world, your Globe around you and His image in you apart.! Grab one and change what you can change in the sense of humanization " Cohn rejected this postulate, since it was not universal, and in turn formulated as the third postulate :" respon words thy doings - personally and socially "

The postulates are not to be understood as rules, rather than descriptions of reality. This means that faults always take precedence in everyday life - if we give them this or not: If a pine tree across the road, the cyclists will have to leave their priority if he does not want to get hurt. Similarly, the Chairperson postulate: Man has always responsible for the part of power that is given to him. He is responsible for his actions.

The postulates are an invitation also to behave accordingly.

Four -factor model

I, We, ES and Globe are also known as TCI-triangle. Depending on the development and course of the group process one of the four factors is more fully lit. The TCI tries to advance the group by all four factors be edited. In the original writings Cohn's the " IT" was equated with the "theme". In the current TCI literature is differentiated: The highlight of TCI is straight, not merely to address the " IT", but to bring the four factors and their relationship to language.

Auxiliary rules

The auxiliary rules may affect the interaction in a group low. " It is important that aid rules are applied tactfully and not dictatorial. Each rule can be reduced to absurdity. "

Group leader

Its tasks are:

Recognize topic

The leader helps the group to identify key theme of the group at any given moment. He formulated it so that the group can work on it.

Example: The group has met on " planning a new organizational structure in the company ." During the conversation it becomes clear that a lot of idle done by the previous old organizational structure and the employees react to this with "internal termination ". The TCI - head realizes that behind it are unfavorable values ​​, such as " the boss always has to control everything ." Therefore, he formulated the real issue re: " What are our values ​​and what we want to achieve in business? ". Only if the values ​​are clear, the matching structure can be planned.

Maintaining a balance

The leader helps the group to keep the balance in the TCI-triangle. The areas of "I ", " we" and "it" are to be machined balanced.

Example: The group has met on " planning a new organizational structure in the company ." During the conversation it becomes clear that many employees feel hurt by the leadership behavior of supervisors. The TCI - head realizes that behind unfavorable ways of dealing with each other. Therefore, he formulated the new topic: "What are my skills and what I need to like to use these for the benefit of my company? " ( Be your own Chairperson ). Only motivated employees can plan a new structure and fill it with meaningful action.

We aspects in the group include: collaboration, communication, decision making, prestige and power, love and relationships, roles, competition, misunderstandings and conflicts, and much more.

I - aspects in the group include: curiosity, courage, fear, interests, skills, values ​​, experience and knowledge, beliefs, and much more.

Enable group

The leader helps the group to increasingly take over the management task itself ( autonomy). The group is to recognize the essential theme itself, keeping the balance itself, control the group process itself, and together actionable results.


The theme-centered interaction takes place in very different environments and applications in management, in college, in psychological counseling and therapy, in supervision, in education, social and special education, adult education, pastoral care, in nursing, etc. explicit goal of TCI is to give not only the administration tools in the hand, but also to allow groups to control themselves ( Chairperson postulate ).

Friedrich Ewert has been studied in a thesis the influence of TCI training in the profession of teachers who are active in conveying water, groundwater, overall, vocational schools, high schools and in teacher education. He found a lasting impact of this training on the classroom practice of teachers and strengthen their personality.

Jürgen Tscheke has examined in his dissertation on the effects of an oriented TCI lessons with physically handicapped children and adolescents. At the student level, the establishment of trust, more intense, more pleasurable and more conscious relationships, an increasing openness for social contacts as well as a variety of joyful connection and reinforcing feelings could capture.

Learn TZI

TCI is taught at Ruth Cohn Institute (RCI). In addition, universities and other educational institutions are sometimes entitled to offer TCI training, such as the University of Hagen.

The training consists of a basic education and a diploma education. The basic training includes personality development and methodology, takes 6 1/2 weeks and concludes with a certificate. The diploma course lasts about ten weeks, and includes items such as supervision, working in peer groups and further workshops on personality development and methodology. The Basic Training and Advanced Training extend usually over several years. The instructor rating in TCI is the third-level education. Your statements will be achieved with the graduation.

Since 1987, the RCI International is a biannual journal with the title theme-centered interaction.

On behalf of RCI International, a trade group in the RCI is one / several area / s, and carried out an International Congress and Austauschworkhop every 2 years.

The association Supervison and TZI eV, formerly Association for continuing education in supervision on the basis of the Theme-Centered Interaction eV, provides - based on the TCI certificate or diploma - a modular Supervision training according to the standards of the German Association for Supervision on.
