Theo Harych

Theo Harych ( born December 19, 1903 in Doruchów, Poznan, † February 22, 1958 in Berlin) was a German writer.


Theo Harych was the son of a farm laborer. From 1910 to 1918 he worked as a shepherd boy and servant in Silesia; visiting a einklassigen elementary school he dropped out in 1916. In 1919 he went to Central Germany, where he worked in a sugar factory and in a brown coal mine in Mücheln. As a member of the miners' union in 1921, he took part in the Geisel at the Central German uprising. In 1923 he attended a driving school and a servant in Halle ( Saale); then he worked as a journeyman in Saxony on the go. In 1925 he was a servant of a nobleman for a short time, but was dismissed after five months due to communist propaganda. This was followed by renewed walks and a time as a truck driver in Berlin. From 1930 to 1936 Harych was unemployed, from 1936 he worked as an assistant mechanic. From 1936 to 1944 he led from its own vans wage carts. Although he was drafted into the Wehrmacht in 1944, but allocated because of an ear suffering a so-called " ears Company ' and fired again soon.

After the Second World War, he again worked as a truck driver in East Berlin. His writing talent was discovered in 1950 and allowed him to live as a freelance writer. Harych was a member of the Writers Union of the GDR and received in 1954 the Heinrich Mann Prize. He died by suicide.

Theo Harych wrote next to a children's book three novels, of which "Behind the black forests " Harychs portrays poor children and youth. Themes of " In Geiseltal " are misery and rebellion of the workers in the Central German lignite mining area to the uprising of 1921; the third novel "On behalf of the people" is the documentary processing of the " If Jakubowski ," an authentic judicial scandal, whose sacrifice became a Polish farm workers in the twenties.

Although Theo Harych embodied the well-maintained in the early GDR ideal image of the writing workers, but exceeded as a narrative natural talent and in his documentary realism, the most representative of the state-sponsored proletarian literature.


  • Behind the black forests. Berlin 1951
  • Barbel and Lothar's best day. Berlin 1952
  • In Geiseltal. Berlin 1952
  • On behalf of the people? Berlin 1958