Thomasine Christine Gyllembourg-Ehrensvärd

Thomasine Gyllembourg - Ehrensvard born Buntzen ( born November 9, 1773 in Copenhagen, † July 2, 1856 ) was a Danish writer and novelist.

She married in 1790 the translator Peter Andreas Heiberg. From the marriage of the poet Johan Ludvig Heiberg comes. After P. A. Heiberg the country had been expelled in February 1800 which led to the divorce resulted married Thomasine 1801 the Swedish Baron Carl Fredrik Ehrensvard ( 1767-1815 ), the. Than participants in the conspiracy against Gustavus III had been banished from Sweden, living in Copenhagen under the name of his mother Gyllembourg.

She was already 53 years old when she anonymously in the weekly journal published by Gyllembourg flyvende Mail ( 1827) occurred half in jest, the amendment families Polonius, which was well received. 1828 followed the magiske Nögle and Én Hverdagshistorie, the excited such a stir that they henceforth referred to himself as author of a history of everyday life. A long series of novels established her reputation, her anonymity but was revealed only after her death.

Your novels are characterized by a fine and striking character drawing, keen observation and humane worldview. Added to this is the rare skill to handle an ordinary, everyday occurrence in such a poetic way that the beauties come to light and is tied the reader's interest. Less successful she was with plays.


Her main stories include:

  • Én Hverdagshistorie ( A history of everyday life ), 1828
  • Drøm above Virkelighed ( dream and reality ), 1833
  • To Tidsaldre ( Two age )
  • Extremerne ( The Extreme, with the description of social life in the house of Knud Lyne Rahbek, Bakkehuset )
  • Joden ( The Jew )
  • Marie

Collected published their writings 1849-51 in 12 volumes ( 3rd edition 1883). A German translation worried Edmund Zoller ( short stories the author of the stories of everyday life, Stuttgart 1852-53, 3 volumes).
