Throat microphone

The throat microphone, which is externally worn directly on the larynx, is used for voice communication in conjunction with protective suits, helmets and masks in extremely noisy environments.

In the technical sense, it is a pickup, not a microphone, as borne noise and airborne sound is not changed. For this reason, the throat microphone, no ambient sounds are back. It has poor transmission characteristics, as can be rendered insufficient, among other sibilants.

The imaged LA -5 is a carbon microphone.

Throat microphones are available in different versions: In older versions, the microphone is attached by means of a set around the entire neck stretch band so that it rests against the larynx. The younger versions often have lateral customers like earbuds or padded plastic brackets that are placed around the neck.

A related design is the built- in safety helmets skull microphone, which also uses the structure-borne noise.

Throat microphones were already used in the Second World War, for example, by tank crews.
