Thumb Peak (Palawan)

The Thumb Peak is a mountain in the central part of the Philippine island of Palawan. The Thumb Peak is 1296 meters above sea level the highest peak in the mountain range Thumb Range.

The mountain was formerly called Mount Pulgar. This name went back to the Spanish colonial period. The Spanish word pulgar means as well as the English word thumb on German " thumb ". The Spanish name was translated probably right after the end of Spanish rule over the Philippines as a result of the Spanish-American War into English.

The name is probably derived from the profile of the mountain, which forms the shape of a vague outstretched thumb with a clenched fist.

In the higher elevations of the Thumb Peak are found in the species that are associated with the ultramafic soils, some of which are endemic, such as that belonging to the tropical family of pitcher plants species Nepenthes deaniana, the first time in 2007 after its discovery in 1908 was rediscovered.
