Thunderbirds (Film)

Thunderbirds is a British- American science fiction film from 2004, based on the eponymous television series from the 1960s. Directed by Jonathan Frakes, starring, among others, Bill Paxton, Anthony Edwards, Vanessa Hudgens and Ben Kingsley.


The Tracy family is part of the International Rescue organization and the Thunderbirds are their five modes of transport: a rocket, a rescue and transport shuttle, a submarine, a spaceship and a space station. Sounding the Alarm " Thunderbirds - please come ", it's Jeff Tracy and his sons, to save the world from disaster. As a meteor storm threatens the Earth, Tracy makes with his sons immediately set off into space. But the emergency was a case of her nemesis The Hood, of bringing the world under his control and wants to delete the Thunderbirds. As if the situation seems hopeless, are all hopes on the youngest son Alan.


The film opened on 24 July 2004 in the UK and on 30 July 2004 in the American cinema. In Germany was the theatrical release on September 30, 2004; here he appeared on 3 March 2005 on DVD. In the U.S., the film could only import 28 million U.S. dollars of its 57 million U.S. dollar production costs.


" Flattened real version of the doll series from the 60s. "

"Real Version successful in the 1960s science-fiction puppet animation TV series, the less the " cult " aspect has served as a carefree adventure entertainment for children. "

"Even if the figures are represented this time by real actors, they are not living by it. On the contrary: Had the TV series much more charm, so goes the now completely lost in this stupid action game for little kids. Since nothing can save even more Ben Kingsley as the villain. "


  • The scenes on Tracy Iceland emerged in the Seychelles.