Tiburon, California

Marin County


Tiburon is a city in Marin County in the U.S. state of California with 8,962 inhabitants ( 2010). The 34.2 km ² large metropolitan area lies on a peninsula on the western edge of the bay of San Francisco.

The city's name is derived from the Spanish word tiburón for shark and initially referred to the entire peninsula. He probably refers to the local occurrence of leopard sharks in the waters around the peninsula.

By the year 1941 Tiburon was the southernmost Endhaltepunkte Northwestern Pacific Railroad. From here were loads - especially wood - conveyed via Light to San Francisco and other cities located on the bay.

Today Tiburon is one of the towns for commuters to San Francisco, which can be achieved via high-speed ferries and via Highway 101. Because of its attractiveness for tourists especially restaurants and small shops have settled in Tiburon.



The geographic coordinates of Tiburon are 37.89 ° North, 122.47 ° West. The city is situated on a peninsula, which is surrounded on the east and southeast of the Bay of San Francisco and in the southwest of the Richardson Bay. The land area of ​​Tiburon covers 4.4 square miles (11 km ²) and 8.7 square miles (23 km ²) are water.

In the northwest Tiburon connects directly to Strawberry (one zip code with Mill Valley shares ), in the southeast borders the city of Belvedere, which formerly was a separate island and is now connected by a causeway to Tiburon. In the north of Tiburon is bordered by Corte Madera, from which it is separated by Highway 101.



In the United States Census 2010, a census of the reporting date April 1, 2010, 8,962 residents were determined. Largest of these are the whites with a share of 88.1 %. In addition, 5.6 % Asian, 4.1% mixed race and 0.9 % African American.

According to the Census of 2010 46.8 % of the population Tiburons are male and 53.2% female. Of the 3,729 households 31.1% have children under the age of 18. In 56.7 % of these households mixed -sex couples living together, 7.5 % live in single women and in 2.3% of households live single men.

The total population of Tiburon consists of 24.0% persons under the age of 18, 3.3% are between 18 and 24 years old, 17.7% are 25-44 years old, 33.9 % are 35-64 years old and 21, 2% are 65 years old or older. The median age of residents is 48.0 years Tiburons.


The economy Tiburons today is characterized by a large number of small boutiques and restaurants, mainly focusing on business with tourists. Most of these shops and restaurants are located on Main Street, right at the ferry dock. In 2004 Tiburon gained through regional prominence when it forbade the first city in the world, the use of trans fatty acids in all of its 18 restaurants. It was thus at the beginning of a movement which later spread to other parts of the United States.

On Friday nights in the spring and summer, the Main Street is blocked in the heart Tiburons for car traffic and converted into a restaurant row. During this " Friday Nights on Main " provide the local restaurants and bars to their guests outdoor restaurant with live music.
