Tikar language

Spoken in

Niger - Congo

  • Atlantic - Congo Benue - Congo Bantoide languages Tikaroide languages


Tikar is a language, which belongs to the southern branch of the semi- Bantu languages ​​, which are designated according to the relationship with the actual Bantu languages ​​as a bantoide languages.

The official ISO language code of the language is tikaroiden [ tik ].

There are several dialects:

  • Twumwu (also Tumu, the Tikar language of Bankim )
  • Term (language of the Tikar of Ngambe )
  • Nditam
  • Kong
  • Mankim
  • Gambai
  • Bandobo ( in this case, it is still unclear whether it is a dialect or a separate language )

There are a small number of literary journals and publications in the language of the Tikar.

Most Tikar also master the commonly used today in Cameroon dealing languages ​​French and English.

  • Tikaroid languages
  • Single language