Tilt bridge

A tipper body, also called tilting bridge, makes a rotational movement about an axis in the longitudinal direction. Thus, in order to create a larger opening passage, the roadway of the bridge must also have a lateral curve, which then lifts up in the rotation.

The Gateshead Millennium Bridge between Newcastle and Gateshead over the River Tyne is such a tipper body, it is probably also the only world.

Since April 2011, there are in Bruges with the Nieuwe Scheepsdalebrug during the N9 over the canal Gent - Oostende another way tipper body. It requires no curved track, as for the trains running barges low light of sufficient length. A special feature is that it does not rotate around an axis, but the principle of a Wippbrücke by William Donald Scherzer has been rotated 90 degrees. The rocking motion is performed here across the carriageway.


  • Reference to the naming (PDF)
  • Nieuwe Scheepsdalebrug: Personal observation in Bruges in June 2012