Time in Russia

The time zones in Russia range from UTC 3 to UTC 12, divided into nine time zones.

On 28 March 2010, the abolition of two time zones, it was decided to abolish other time zones is considered. The conversion of the remaining time zones on DST was performed for the last time on 27 March 2011 (see Summer Time). A return migration is no longer, the former summer time to standard time.

Allocation of time zones

Russia broken down as follows in his time zones:

The only subjects of the Russian Federation, which are in more than one time zone, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia ) and the Sakhalin Oblast. While the majority of the Republic of Sakha Yakutsk Time (UTC 10 ), it is in some Ulussen UTC 11, and the easternmost part of UTC 12. The largest part of Sakhalin Oblast ( the island of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands to the south-west Simuschir ) belong to UTC 11, only the northeastern Kurile from Ketoi ( administratively combined into the county Severo- Kurilsk ) have UTC 12.

In the Russian railway transport, however, the watches are available at stations throughout the country generally on Moscow time, the Russian air traffic at the airports generally to local time.

Former time zones

  • UTC 4 Samara - time
  • UTC 12 Kamchatka time

In November 2009, Russian President Medvedev, a reduction of the time zones suggested to contribute to improving the economic efficiency. Since 28 March 2010, there are only nine instead of eleven time zones.

The following two time zones were abolished with the switch to summer time on March 28, 2010:

The eastern time zone UTC 13 was abolished and combined with the UTC 12, on April 1 1982. Thus, after the current abolition of the Kamchatka time creates a huge eastern time zone that spans some 45 degrees of longitude.

Due to the relocation of the remaining time zones one hour but there is still the time zone UTC 4 12 and UTC (formerly UTC 3, and according to UTC 11). As a result, the current time zones of Russia from UTC 3 to UTC 11 time zone UTC 5 is missing.

Daylight saving time

With the change to daylight saving time in the night of March 27, 2011, the time change between winter and summer time in Russia was exposed and the respective summer time valid for the whole year standard time.

Until then, the transition was made to summer time in the Russian time zones on the same days as in the rest of Europe, so on the last Sunday in March and the last Sunday in October. However, the clock ( daylight savings time) or 03:00 local time clock ( switch to Standard Time) were placed in Russia is at 02:00 local time clock. Elsewhere in Europe, however, happened and this is done uniformly at 01:00 UTC clock.

Daylight saving time was first introduced in Russia on July 14, 1917 by decree of the Russian Provisional Government. Already on January 4, 1918, the DST was repealed by decree of the Council of People's Commissars again to reintroduce them on 16 June 1930. Since she was not reversed in the winter and thus led to a perceived as senseless shift of the solar zenith in the afternoon, even in winter, this measure has become known as the "Decree time ".

To re- introduction of summer time it came on April 1, 1981 by a decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. By mid- 1984, the Daylight Saving Time began on April 1 and ended on October 1. After the Soviet Union took over the European regulation on the beginning and end of summer time.
