Tincture of iodine

Tincture of iodine ( tincture of Iodi ) is a solution of iodine in 10 parts of alcohol. The tincture is acidic with time, due to the formation of hydriodic acid.

The colorless tincture of iodine ( tincture of Iodi decolorata ) is a solution of 10 parts of iodine and 10 parts of sodium thiosulfate in 10 parts water, 16 parts of alcoholic ammonia solution and 75 parts of ethanol. Both preparations are used medicinally. You should disinfect the skin in the surgical environment quickly and reliably prior to surgery. Smaller wounds can be disinfected as well.

Iodine can cause severe allergic reactions. The alcohol in the tincture caused a very unpleasant burning sensation in the wound. At least since the 1960s, both preparations obsolete and replaced by better ones (eg, povidone - iodine).
