Tisamenus (son of Orestes)

Tisamenus (Greek Τισαμενός ) In Greek mythology, the son of Orestes and Hermione and Lord of the Peloponnesians. He was the father of Kometes, Daimenes, Sparton, Tellis and Leontomenes.

After the death of Orestes ' he became king of Sparta and Argos. He defended the Peloponnese against the Heraclidae under Aristomachos who tried to conquer their hereditary land again. However, he fell in the battle for Argos and his kingdom was conquered by the Heraclides. According to another tradition, survived Tisamenus, but had to flee with the Achaeans. So he called upon the Ionians in the northern Peloponnese, to allow them to settle in their country. It came to a fight, which they won though, but Tisamenus fell and was buried in Helice. Later, the bones of the Tisamenus were transferred because of an oracle to Sparta.


  • Libraries of Apollodorus, 2, 171; 2, 176; 9, 28
  • Mythographus Hyginus, Fabulae, 124
  • Pausanias, 2, 18, 6 - 8; 2, 38, 1; 3, 1, 5-6; 4, 3, 3; 7, 1, 7-8; 7, 6, 2
  • Strabo, Geographica, 383; 389