
Tithraustes ( † after 383 BC ) was a Minister of the Court and commander of the Persian empire of the Achaemenids in the 4th century BC.

Tithraustes, commander ( Chiliarch ) of the "Apple carrier " of the highest ministers of the Great King Artaxerxes II Mnemon during the Spartan -Persian War. After the satrap of Phrygia, Pharnabazos, had accused about the intermediary Conon the satrap of Lydia, Tissaphernes of treason, Tithraustes was 395 BC entrusted with the disposal of Tissaphernes. He had him beheaded in Colossae to send his head to the Great King. Allegedly, he also acted on behalf of the Queen Mother Parysatis who wanted to avenge the death of her son, Prince Cyrus. Tithraustes then took over the province of Lydia, and the capital of Sardis. From the threat of the present Spartan king Agesilaus II under which he bought himself free and encouraged them instead to attack the province of Pharnabazos, the Tithraustes was not well-disposed also.

But after Pharnabazos BC had sunk in the battle of Knidos 394 the fleet of Spartan position was Tithraustes ' untenable, after which he was ordered back from the United Kingdom to the court. He was in Sardis replaced by Tiribazus.

The last time Tithraustes is ( among others Pharnabazos ) as one of the generals of an invading army, whose attack on Egypt but 385-383 BC failed.
