Tlacoachistlahuaca (municipality)

16.8 - 98.3Koordinaten: 16 ° 48 'N, 98 ° 18' W

The municipality is a municipality Tlacoachistlahuaca the east of the Mexican state of Guerrero in the Costa Chica. The administrative center of the municipality is located in the same place Tlacoachistlahuaca, which is also the largest of the municipios. The nearest large towns in the municipality are Huehuetónoc, San Cristóbal and San Pedro Cuitlapan.

The area of ​​805.5 km ² Municipalities is, the number of inhabitants amounts to 21 306 ( INEGI 2010). The predominant religion is Catholicism.

The municipality has a share in the Sierra Madre del Sur and includes mountain peaks with heights above 2000 m. Only 15% of the area is flat. Nachbarmunicipios in the state of Guerrero are Xochistlahuaca, Ometepec, Igualapa, Metlatónoc, Cochoapa el Grande and Alcozauca de Guerrero, also Tlacoachistlahuaca borders the state of Oaxaca.
