Toutunhe District

Toutunhe is a municipality of the prefecture-level city of Urumqi in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China. It has an area of 275.59 km ² and has 124 339 inhabitants (2003 ).

Administrative Divisions

At the community level, Toutunhe is composed of five road districts. These are:

  • Road district Beizhan Xilu (北 站 西路 街道);
  • Road district Huoche Xizhan (火车西站 街道);
  • Road district Toutunhe (头 屯 河 街道);
  • Road district Wangjiagou (王 家沟 街道);
  • Road district Wuchanglu (乌 昌 路 街道).