
Listán track or tracks is a weekly radio program of the P3 program of Sveriges Radio. The Swedish hit parade was first broadcast on 8 September 1984 and is still on the air. Tracks is the successor of Poporama. Co-inventor and first moderator was Kaj Kindvall. In September 2010, the end of the show was announced after the broadcast on January 8, 2011.


In contrast to the strict rules of Svensktoppen in which only Swedish artists are represented, can be found in track Listán music from around the world. The hit parade consists of 20 songs, in addition as many Firsts are played, and three " Bubblar " that failed just as Firsts the previous week.

The audience of the tracks will vote on their favorite 20 songs to start the show with a letter or postcard, later by phone, and finally through the Internet. It broadcasts track Listán of SR in Norrköping Östergötland. In the summer, the program break, and is represented by the Sommartoppen.

Tracks on TV

The television station SVT produced after 2000 three years the program as a weekly TV show. Among the consignments musicians were invited to present their songs live.

Find out more

  • Sounds Like a Melody by Alphaville was in the track, the first number one.
  • Live Tomorrow by Laleh placed with 26 weeks at the longest in the tracks.
  • The song with the longest title ( 60 characters ) was Jag hatar att jag och jag älskar älskar dig dig så att jag hatar mig mycket of Håkan Hellström.

Successful performers

  • Stand September 8, 2008