Translation (geometry)#Translations in physics

A translation (including pure translation ) is a movement in which, for example, of a rigid body to view all items of a physical system, the same displacement. At a given time, speeds and accelerations of all points identical. They move on parallel trajectories. Must be distinguished from the rotation in the move all points of the system or body in a circle around a common axis. Any movement of a rigid body can be represented by a superposition of the translational and rotational movements.

A free space in the body has three degrees of freedom of translation and three degrees of freedom of rotation. For flat problems, reduces the number of degrees of freedom of translation and two of rotation.

Special cases:

  • The translation is straightforward when no acceleration occurs transversely to the direction of movement.
  • It is uniformly and rectilinearly when no acceleration occurs.
  • It is uniformly accelerated, if only by a constant acceleration amount and the direction occurs.
  • It is accelerated non-uniformly, when the acceleration is not constant.

What acceleration in a particular case will occur by the external forces determined (see fundamental equation of mechanics).

A body, which carries out a translation, has in classical mechanics, a pulse

And a translational kinetic energy

Here, the mass of the body and the speed of its center of gravity.
