
The Treise is a short tributary of the Westerschelde. It rises at the foot of the upper Hagens. Up to the spring pool today the entire course of the stream is piped, so it also opens invisibly in the Wester.

Documented there is Treise the first time on November 23, 1483: Katherine, widow of Goswin Lurwaldes, residing at Ruethen, sold the monastery Galilee (formerly Hukenhem ) an acre of land, thrusting the Salten Borne ( the Salzbörnchen in Warstein ) (...) a half of their meadow at the bottom of the " Treyse ". Of particular interest is the representation of the Treise on a map of about 1630th in the original map the Treise arises from an adit hole. In the area of the upper Hagens at least since the Middle Ages is intensive mining for iron. Perhaps the Treisequelle is therefore not a natural source but a medieval pit dewatering.

As in 1739, the Warsteiner iron hut was built at the foot of the upper Hagens (as successor hard tangible former ironworks at this point), there were on the course of Wester no free water gradient more for the conditioning of water wheels. Therefore, the operator of the ironworks used the water of the Treise for the operation of its hydroelectric plant. Although the source of Treise showered not as strong, but this is a relatively large gap exists. In addition, the water was dammed in a hut pond pretty high altitude. Since the entire course of Treise was on the site of the ironworks, the Treise was conducted very early artificial, finally fully plumbed.

The spring water of Treise is about 13 ° C warm, would be around 5 ° C warmer than in the Warsteiner area of shallow groundwater to be expected. Also, the salt content of about 100 mg / l is significantly higher than would be expected with increased groundwater surface. This indicates that the source of water Treise must flow to a greater depth. It may rise to along the fault, which is also responsible for the mineralization in the upper Hagen.

On the site of fiber optic facilities in Warstein there is the Treise Chapel as a memorial for the victims of euthanasia
