
Třemošná ( German Třemošná ) is a town in the Plzeň Region kraj (Czech Republic). Walk through the village, nine kilometers north of Pilsen, flows the same stream.


1181, the village was first mentioned as Sremesna. In the 12th century the lands belonged to the ruler Radostov z Třemošné. After his death they were sold to the chapter in Melmitz in 1293 to the monastery in Plasy. 1300, it bought Melnitz back and they were leased again to worldly or spiritual rulers after 1379. 1436 acquired Petr z Chrástu the place later Přibík z Klenové. In 1509 he went over to the family Kolowrat and Libstein, a few decades later to the forest Steiner, who pledged a portion of their assets to the city of Pilsen. This was followed by the counts of idols, 1707, the Counts of Vrtbovská, 1830, the Lobkowicz and then by marriage Count Schönborn. From 1895 to 1948 included parts of the village JUDr. Stanislav Wopršálek. In 1972 the site of the city was raised.


  • Záluží
  • Třemošná

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Václav Brožík, painter
  • František Šolar, horn player and musician in Saint Petersburg.