Trevor Baylis

Trevor Baylis ( born May 13, 1937 in London ) is a British inventor. He is especially famous for his wind-up radio, the objectives are to raise the people in developing countries modern technology easily accessible.

He is engaged in the development of electrical energy sources that draw their energy from the force of the user. So he created in 1993 a radio that after it was raised, works for 14 minutes. So that people can receive in developing countries without electricity and radio broadcasts as the latest news and useful information. He is currently working on a shoe - charger, the water passes through a tiny turbine at each step. The current prototype provides 1.2 watts, the power, required for a MP3 player. 2010, these shoes come on the market, their performance can range up to three watts, which should also allow the operation of mobile phones.

In October 1997, he of the Order of the British Empire ( Officer, OBE) was awarded. Since 1997, eight British universities, an honorary doctorate ( Nottingham Trent University, Southampton Institute, Open University, Middlesex University, Oxford Brookes University, Heriot -Watt University, Leeds Metropolitan University, University of Brighton ) and four an honorary master have given him.

