Tricholoma vaccinum

Bearded Knight (Tricholoma vaccinum )

The bearded Knight (Tricholoma vaccinum ) is a species of fungus in the family of Tricholoma relatives ( Tricholomataceae ). The fruiting bodies appear from August to November in coniferous forests. The fungus is inedible because of its bitter taste. Due to the Huthautstruktur the bearded knight Ling is also known as Shaggy or Woolly Tricholoma. In contrast, takes the second part of the name of the scientific species name " vaccinum ", derived from the Latin word " vacca " ( = cow), on the kuhrote hat color reference.

  • 5.1 Notes and references


Macroscopic characteristics

The solid and fleshy hat is 3-7 ( -10 ) cm wide, hemispherical young, later flattened and blunt - humped. The surface is dry and dull, warm red - colored copper to brown. It is manned with brown to reddish brown, concentrically arranged ring -saving shed. The long curled brim is strong woolly - tomentose to villous - bearded and towers over the fins a little. The pretty crowded lamella bulges are grown on a stick and run with one tooth down on it. Young fins are whitish - cream color, then get brown and red spots are finally brownish in old age. The fins are cut slightly wavy and the spore powder and white show on contact with iodine solution, no color reaction ( inamyloid ). The cylindrical stem is 3-10 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, and will soon be hollow. He is busy with brown Faserschüppchen and stained at the base slightly thickened brownish to reddish brown. For almost whitish tip it brighter. An annular zone is not visible, but young fruit bodies have a Cortina, the ranges for the hat brim. The thin meat ( Trama ) is whitish, slightly reddens when it is carved and then brown. It smells slightly earthy and pleasant to taste bitter and schärflich.

Microscopic characteristics

The inamyloiden, roundish - oval to broadly elliptical, smooth spores measure 5-8 × 4.5-5.5 microns wide.


The bearded knight Ling has a combination of features that makes the determination in the field without any problems. The Knight Ling grows under spruces and has a sparrig - scaly, dry, brown-colored hat. There are other braunhütige knight pieces, but grow under other accompanying trees.

Especially older specimens that have lost some of their shaggy scales, can use the Feinschuppigen Tricholoma ( T. imbricatum ) be confused that grows in pine trees. The stem of the Feinschuppigen knight compact is hollow at the age and is not as brittle. Another brown and trockenhütiger Ritterlingsartige is the larch Tricholoma ( T. psammopus ), whose stem bears grain scales that turn brown when collecting the fingers. This fungus also tastes bitter and inedible.

Ecology and distribution

The Tricholoma appear from August to November often in groups or rows in the coniferous forest under spruce. In the deciduous forest, he can be found only rarely. The fungus presents no particular demands on the soil, but grows like on calcareous soils. It is widely distributed throughout Europe and especially in southern Germany, a very common fungus. In the north it is rare.


The bearded knight Ling is unsuitable because of its bitterness for the kitchen.


  • Paul Kirk: Tricholoma vaccinum. In: Species Fungorum. Accessed on 19 September 2013.
  • Tricholoma vaccinum. In: International Mycological Association, accessed on September 19, 2013 ( English).