Trigonostigma somphongsi

Conjoined Zwergbärbling ( Rasbora somphongsi )

The Siamese Zwergbärbling ( Rasbora somphongsi ) is a small carp fish from the basin of the Mae Klong and Chao Phraya in Thailand. The species was named after the Thai ornamental fish traders and scavengers of the type specimens Somphong.


The freshwater fish only reaches a length of three inches, the male is smaller. The body is elongated, laterally flattened, and in contrast to the other Keilfleckbärblingen not high backs. The body coloration is yellowish to pale brownish, the back side shows a network drawing. Along the sides of the body to pull two longitudinal bands. The upper shines golden and starts behind the gill cover, while the lower begins below the dorsal fin origin, extending to the tail fin root and is dark to black. Another dark longitudinal binding forms above the anal fin, a black triangle. The fins are transparent and have a pale brownish to yellowish tint. A lateral line is missing.

  • Fins formula: Dorsal: 2/6-7; Anal: 2 / 5th
  • Dandruff formula: MLR 24-25.

The Siamese Zwergbärbling spawns, similar to the related Keilfleckbärbling, below a plant leaf. The nest is small and comprises only about 70 eggs.
