Tropical Storm Katrina

Katrina was the name of seven tropical cyclones in the

Northern Atlantic Ocean

  • Hurricane Katrina (1981 ) in November 1981 which hit Cuba.
  • Tropical Storm Katrina (1999), a tropical storm, which caused little damage in Nicaragua.
  • Hurricane Katrina, which devastated the U.S. Gulf Coast in August 2005 and caused the fifth highest number of victims in hurricanes in the United States.

The name Katrina was struck off the list of storm names in the spring of 2006.

Northeastern Pacific Ocean

  • Hurricane Katrina (1967 ), a hurricane that hit 1967 Baja California in late August / early September.
  • Tropical Storm Katrina (1971 ), which concerned the same region in 1971.
  • Hurricane Katrina (1975 ), a Category 4 hurricane, which was far at sea.

Southern Pacific Ocean

  • Cyclone Katrina -Victor- Cindy, in January 1988, with 24 days duration of the longest-lived South Pacific cyclone that has ever been recorded.

See also: Cyclone Catarina, a rare South Atlantic hurricanes.

  • Disambiguation