
59.2247222224.96777777Koordinaten: 59 ° 13 ' N, 24 ° 58 ' E

Tuhala ( German Toal ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the Estonian rural community Kose ( Kosch ) in Harju County ( Harrien ). It has 73 inhabitants ( 2000).

History and Sights

The place Tuhala was first mentioned in documents in 1241. The village is situated on the eponymous river, the Tuhala Jõgi. The karst landscape ( 188 ha) and the numerous caves are nature reserve. In it, there are eleven prehistoric settlement remains, including the bog of Heinasoo traces of a beam path from the 3 / 4 Century after Christ. A little " nature center " explains the geology of the region. Not far is since 2001 a monument to the Estonian geologists and cavers Ülo Heinsalu ( 1828-1994 ).

Good Tuhala

The Good Tuhala has been demonstrated since 1468. Its most famous personality was the Baltic German cartographer Ludwig August Mellin (1754-1835), the editor of the Atlas of Lieffland or of the beyden Gouvernementern and duchies Lieff and Ehstland and the province Oesel (Riga and Leipzig, 1798). Insurgents burned the mansion during the Russian Revolution of 1905 down completely. The resulting park of the estate, with over a hundred botanical species of the richest in the whole of northern Estonia. A memorial stone commemorates the historical school of Tuhala that existed from 1639 to 1768.


The Baltic German Count Carl Johann Mellin (1707-1775) built the church of Tuhala, 1777 it was completed. The pulpit altar of Berent spirit of man in the Renaissance style dates back to the 17th century, the compass rose on the spire of 1670th The organ was in 1849 by Gustav Normann built for the Church in Kose ( Kosch ) and transferred later to Tuhala. On the nearby cemetery are two historic grave chapels.

Witches fountain

It is also known the " witches fountain of Tuhala " (Estonian Tuhala nõiakaev ) farm in Sulu. Most in the spring it comes - after heavy rain or during the spring thaw - a natural spectacle: in heavy swelling of the river Tuhala, which runs underground here, enter up to 100 liters of water per second out of the fountain. This " boiling over " provides a regular spectacle for locals and tourists.
