
Two -up or Swy (after the German word for "two" ), is a product from Australia gambling, it is probably the only casino game that will be thrown at the coin - unless it is played with dice (see below).

Two -up was built in the time of the Australian gold rush of the 1850s. During the First World War it was particularly popular among the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps so that it is every year, loved to play at ANZAC Day, the day of commemoration of the landing at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915.

The rules


Two -up is in a circular arena (pit or ring ) played diameter of about six meters, will be placed on its outer edge inserts. The croupier (Boxer) selects a player and asks him with the cry, " Come in, spinner! " To pass through a recess in the ring.

After the spinner, that is, the players in the arena, and the spectators have made their bets, it says " No more bets, please! "; and there are two coins, authentically old pre-decimal Australian pennies, in two small wells provided for this purpose on an approximately 20 cm long board ( Kip) placed so that when a coin of the head, in the other the number is visible. The spinner now hurls the two coins into the air; they must be at least one meter high and are thrown thereby also rotate (English to spin, hence spinner ) - otherwise the throw is invalid ( barred ).


If both coins the same page, so the result is called depending on Heads (head) or Tails ( number); shows a coin Heads, Tails the other, it is called the result Odds ( draw).

Spinner bet

Sets the spinner on Heads, he wins even money 7.5 to 1, if he throws three times Heads, Tails or before the first time a series of five odds appear. Entirely analogous procedure is followed when the spinner puts on Tails.

The probability of winning the bet amounts to 11.364 % of the spinner, the house edge thus 3.403 %.

Beat the spinner, he may continue playing; he loses, he must leave the arena, and the boxer asks a new player in the ring.

Non -spinner bets

Viewers can also bet on heads or on tails; in the betting viewers will proceed as follows:

Sets example, a viewer on Heads, he wins in a 1:1 ratio, if heads is thrown and loses on a roll of Tails. In a litter of odds provisionally falls no decision, the stakes will be frozen until Heads or Tails appears.

Ejects the spinner but five times in a row, odds, so all bets are lost - in this way is the probability of winning only 48.4375 %, and the casino, thus securing an advantage of 3.125 %.

Every time the bets of the viewers are decided, begins a new round of non -spinner bets.


Will a player betting that the spinner each odds throws in the next five litters, so he makes a bet on odds and win is the best case in the ratio 30 to 1

The probability of profit on this bet is 1/32 = 3.125%; the house edge also is 3.125 %, which is the same as for the non -spinner bets on Heads or Tails.

Two -up dice

Two -up is played as a two-up dice; In this case, special die is used instead of coins that are identified in each case on three sides by the letter H of heads and at the remaining three sides with a T for tails. The Hs and Ts are arranged so that - just like a coin - each H opposite a T and vice versa.

Furthermore, the exact same rules as for two-up, playing with coins are playing dice two-up dice.
