Újezd u Svatého Kříže

Újezd ​​Svatého Kříže ( German Aujest the Holy Cross) is a municipality with 238 inhabitants in the Czech Republic. It is located three kilometers west of the city Radnice and belongs to Okres Rokycany. The land area is 435 ha


The place is located in 430 m asl in the headwaters of the Velka wheel hub, a right tributary of the Berounka. By Újezd ​​Svatého Kříže leads the state road 232 from Břasy after Kozojedy.

Neighboring towns are Němčovice in the north, Dvorce, Bohemia and Svatá Barbora in the southeast, Radnice the southeast, Břasy in the south, Vranovice in the southwest,


The first written mention of the village dates from 1352nd on the village square, the church was erected in 1777, which overlooks the village. 1885 was a two-class school. The school building was renovated in 2006 for residential purposes.


  • The Church of the Holy Cross was built from 1777 to 1779. 1902 the painting was completed by KV Maška.
  • Niche chapel