Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Toronto and Eastern Canada

The Eparchy of Toronto (Latin: Eparchia Torontinus Ucrainorum ) is a location in Canada Eparchy of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, based in Toronto.


The Eparchy of Toronto was on January 19, 1948 by Pope Pius XII. built with the Apostolic Constitution Omnium cuiusvis rite of annexations of the Apostolic Exarchate Canada as Apostolic Exarchate of Eastern Canada. The Apostolic Exarchate of Eastern Canada was renamed on 10 March 1951 in Apostolic Exarchate Toronto.

On November 3, 1956, the Apostolic Exarchate Toronto was Pius XII. charged with the Apostolic Constitution Hanc Apostolicam the Eparchy and the archeparchy Winnipeg assumed as suffragan.


Apostolic Exarch of Eastern Canada

  • Isidore Borecky, 1948-1951

Apostolic Exarch of Toronto

  • Isidore Borecky, 1951-1956

Bishops of the eparchy of Toronto
