Ulf von Euler

Ulf Svante von Euler - Chelpin ( born February 7, 1905 in Stockholm, Sweden, † 9 March 1983 ) was a Swedish physiologist and neuro chemist.

He isolated and described in 1935 independently by MW Goldblatt, prostaglandins for the first time in human semen and discovered further that noradrenaline acts as a chemical information transmitter in the nerve fibers.

In 1961 Euler a Gairdner Foundation International Award. In 1962 he was elected a member of the Leopoldina. The German Pharmacological Society awarded him in 1968 with the Schmiedeberg Plaque their highest honor. Two years later he received for his work, together with Julius Axelrod and Sir Bernard Katz, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discoveries related to the humoral transmitters in the nerve terminals and the mechanism of their storage, release and inactivation. Together with Göran Liljestrand he discovered the hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, a mechanism that reflexively reduced in the healthy lung blood flow non-ventilated lung units by a regional vasoconstriction. This ensures that only the units are largely supplied with blood, where oxygen can also be included. This mechanism is named after the discoverers also Euler - Liljestrand mechanism.

His father Hans Karl August Simon von Euler - Chelpin the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1929.
