Ulla Ulla National Reserve

Ulla Ulla Biosphere Reserve was established in 1972 and covers an area of ​​200,000 hectares, it is located in the province of Franz Tamayo in the La Paz Department in western Bolivia.

The reserve is located in the Andean Cordillera north of Lake Titicaca at an average altitude of 4000 m and is bordered to the west on the border of Peru. In the north of the reserve borders the National Park Madidi. The reserve covers high mountain formations of Apolobamba massif, regions eternal ice, high plateaus, tundra, lakes, and the headwaters of the Río Euichi and the Río Turiopa. The fauna of the region has significant populations of the Andean condor ( Vultur gryphus ) that about 80,000 alpaca llamas (Lama pacos), and the largest deposit of about 2,500 vicuña ( vicuna vicugna ) (estimate 1984).

The reserve is inhabited by about 15,000 inhabitants (estimated 1998), most of them belong to the indigenous people of the Aymara on. Due to the low temperatures, the long frost period and height above sea level of agricultural cultivation is not possible, therefore the population lives mainly on the breeding of alpacas and llamas (Lama glama ).

Ulla Ulla was recognized in 1977 as an official Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO and since the late 1990s, part of the " Área Natural de Manejo Integrado Nacional Apolo Bamba " ( ANMIN ), which covers an area of ​​484,000 ha.

Pictures of Ulla Ulla National Reserve
