Ulva Island, New Zealand

Template: Infobox Island / Maintenance / height missing

Ulva Iceland (formerly Coopers Iceland ) is a small island in Paterson Inlet off the coast of Iceland Stewart in New Zealand. It is named after the island of Ulva of the Inner Hebrides in Scotland.

Ulva Iceland is ecologically important. In 1996 the island was declared after a rat eradication program for free and extinct on the island bird species have been reintroduced. These include Tieke ( Philesturnus carunculatus ), yellow head (also Mohua, Mohoua ochrocephala ) and Langbeinschnäpper (also toutouwai, Petroica australis).

  • Uninhabited Island
  • Island (New Zealand)
  • Island (Australia and Oceania)
  • Island ( Pacific Ocean )
  • Stewart Iceland
  • Rain forest in the temperate latitudes