Ulysse Chevalier

Ulysse Chevalier ( born February 24, 1841 in Rambouillet, † October 27, 1923 in Romans- sur- Isère) was a French clergyman and medievalist, author of important bibliographical works of the Middle Ages.

Chevalier studied at the University of Lyon, where he heard, among other church history at Léopold Delisle. He was a professor of Church History at the Catholic University of Lyon and Catholic priest ( Abbé, later canon ).

His main work is the Répertoire des sources historiques du moyen âge, which appeared in two parts. The Bio - bibliography, published from 1877 to 1888 (second edition 1905), contains information about all the historical people who lived between the years 1 and 1500 and were mentioned in printed books with precise bibliographic references. The Topo - bibliography, published from 1894 to 1903, contains all the place names that were mentioned in books on the Middle Ages, and additional information about the first part.

1893 to 1897 he published the Bibliothèque liturgique in six volumes, of which volume 3 and 4, the repertory hymnologicum, a directory of Catholic church songs in six volumes, which includes more than 20,000 items.

In 1906 he published a critical work to the legend of the Basilica of Santa Casa in Loreto ( Notre Dame de Lorette. Étude critique sur l' authenticité de la Santa Casa ), and he also published to Turin's grave cloth, which is not older than him from the 14th century. His work on the Turin cloth grave has been attacked in 2006 by Emmanuel Poulle as scientifically dishonest.

He also published numerous works for local church history, especially in Dauphiné and for example the letters of Hugues de Lionne, the works of Bishop Avitus of Vienne and a bio - bibliography on Dante.

In 1912 he became a member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres.
