
Umma was a Sumerian city in southern Mesopotamia. Umma is primarily known for its long-lasting armed conflict with Lagash.

Its ruins (Tell Jokha ) have never been scientifically studied. Therefore knowledge of Umma only result from the evaluation of the archives of neighboring cities, especially from the warring Lagash. Ruler of Umma at this time (around 2400 BC ) were Ur - Lumma and Il, the ruler of Zabalam. It is assumed that Tell Jokha was the subject of intense illegal excavations in the recent past.

Umma stepped briefly into the center of power politics in Sumer, as his High Priest Lugalzagisi large parts of Sumer - inter alia Ur, Uruk, Lagash - subdued. His residence he took in Uruk. His reign was ended by Sargon. The territory became part of the empire of Akkad.
