Ungava Peninsula

Geographical location

The Ungava Peninsula (English Ungava Peninsula, French Péninsule d' Ungava ) is a peninsula in eastern Canada. As the northern part of the Labrador Peninsula, it is now part of belonging to the province of Quebec Nunavik region and represents the Cape Wolstenholme its northernmost point dar. By 1912, the Ungava Peninsula was as Ungava region of the Northwest Territories.

The Ungava Peninsula is situated on the Canadian Shield, covers an area of 252,000 km ² and is relatively flat: At about 500 kilometers wide and somewhat greater length the highest point in the Monts de Puvirnituq is situated at only 693 m above sea level at 61 ° 38 ' 17 " N, 72 ° 44 ' 14 " W61.63816 - 72.73726693. Another survey with 657 m forms the edge of the meteorite crater Pingualuit. The peninsula is fully covered by treeless tundra and, due to the Labrador current over an extremely cold climate. On the Ungava Peninsula there are several glacial lakes and rivers, which run generally parallel to the east-west direction, and a few offshore islands that already belong to the territory of Nunavut. The peninsula is surrounded by the Hudson Bay, Hudson Strait, and the Ungava Bay.

The 10,000 inhabitants of the peninsula - to 90 per cent Inuit - live in twelve places along the coast. Kuujjuaq, in the extreme southeast of the peninsula, is the seat of the Kativik Regional Governments from which the entire Ungava Peninsula is managed. Other major settlements are Ivujivik in the north and Inukjuak in the West.
