United Free Church of Scotland

The United Free Church of Scotland ( United Free Church of Scotland, UFC) is a Presbyterian Free Church in Scotland


The United Free Church of Scotland was established in 1900 by the merger of the vast majority of the Free Church of Scotland with the United Presbyterian Church of Scotland and included in this time more than 1,600 communities with around half a million members. She was so after the Church of Scotland (CoS ) is the second largest Protestant denomination in the country. After negotiations, the UFC and the CoS joined together in 1929.

1929 to today

A small minority of the United Free Church of Scotland under the leadership of the pastor and Labour MP James Barr, who rejected the principle of a state church or state- privileged church, opposed the union of the two churches and remained independent. The initially to 1934 United Free Church (Continuing ) Calling Church included in its founding nearly 14,000 members and grew until the mid- 1950s. In 1929, she led the first Presbyterian church in Scotland, the ordination of women, 1935, with Elizabeth Barr was the first woman pastor of the UFC.

The United Free Church of Scotland today comprises some 75 communities and is a member of the World Communion of Reformed Churches, the World Council of Churches and the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe.
