United Nations Security Council Resolution 216

Resolution 216 of the UN Security Council on November 12, 1965 condemned the unilateral declaration of independence by the white minority in Southern Rhodesia. The resolution referred led by Ian Smith government as " illegitimate racist minority regime " ( illegal racist minority régime ).

The resolution reads as follows ( unofficial translation ):

The Security

1 decides to condemn the unilateral declaration of independence by a racist minority in Southern Rhodesia;

2 decides to call upon all States not to recognize the illegal racist minority regime in Southern Rhodesia and to refrain from granting any support for this illegal regime.

The resolution was adopted at the meeting of the Security Council 1258th with 10 votes in favor and one abstention by France. On November 20, 1965, the UN Security Council Resolution 216des was confirmed by means of Resolution 217 of the UN Security Council.
