Universal Decimal Classification

The Universal Decimal Classification ( UDC, also International Decimal ) is a library classification, which was further developed in the late 19th century as a multilingual alternative from the Dewey Decimal Classification. It is used especially outside the Anglo-American language area for the development of library collections.

Historical development

The decimal classification system based on a decimal classification, originally developed by Leibniz (1646-1716) was devised and the American librarian Melvil Dewey (1851-1931) further developed the Dewey Decimal Classification ( DDC). However, the DDC was partly so specifically American, that the two Belgian Paul Otlet and Henri La librarians Fontaine 1895 European version for international use created, which they called Universal Decimal Classification. In Germany, the German Standards Committee (DNA) led 1932 UDC of the two Belgians based on the French-speaking second International edition under the name Decimal Classification ( DK ) as a short edition, which contained 10 % of the UDC numbers. Nevertheless, as many German libraries and document -oriented to this system is that 1941 was a complete edition appear. The British Standard Institution (BSI ) and the DNA gave in 1957 an international abridged edition out, the French, English and German terms juxtaposing. This was in 1970 supplemented by the Fédération Internationale de Documentation ( FID).

The based on the UDC German DK has only a very small number of users. The international licensees are limited, according to UDC own account to fifteen.


This has developed over decades representation of knowledge of all areas of human knowledge only works with numbers and special characters. The numbers are separated in three-way combinations by a point, so that the presentation is clearer.

Only when specifying proper names letters or other characters are allowed.

A total of approximately 200,000 matters have been incorporated into a complete work currently. However, this only serves as a basis for classifiers that seek to enter their specific subject areas. By combining existing notations ( Syntactic indexing) allows the Universal Decimal Classification is a very compact representation of very complex concepts.

As examples may serve this purpose ( explanation of the syntax see below):

  • 621.395.6:331.761-057.62 specialist fitters for communication terminals that are used as commuting to their workplace
  • 622.33 Horno coal mining ( mine ) Horno

The DDC is different from the UDC, inter alia, that the DDC main class 400 ( Language and Linguistics ) is unoccupied and instead with the DDC main class 800 ( literature) was merged to the UDC main class linguistics and literature.


  • 0 General
  • 1 Philosophy. psychology
  • 2 religion. theology
  • 3 Social Sciences. Policy. Economy. Law. Pedagogy. ethnology
  • 4 ( no longer occupied; earlier: Linguistics, Philology )
  • 5 natural sciences. mathematics
  • 6 Applied Sciences. Medicine. Technology. Business. computer science
  • 7 Art. Crafts. Music. Game. sports
  • 8 linguistics. Literature
  • 9 Geography. Biographies. history

Attachments numbers

The classification is extended by general and special attachments numbers and symbols by relationship between DK- numbers.

In addition, there are other ways of presentation and combination of digits ( descriptors ):

DK numbers are listed in the order indicated above.

General Attachments figures of speech

The general trailer figures of speech are used for language identification. Follow the department 80 in the UDK. Here, 80 is replaced by =. Works in several languages ​​can be represented by = 00 or by Annexes numbers of the individual languages. Translations are always characterized by = 03.

  • 803.0 German language
  • = 30 capital letters in German
  • 53 (021 ) = 20 = 30 = 40 Handbook of Physics in English, German, French
  • 53 (021 ) = 03.82 Encyclopedia of Physics, translated from the Russian
  • 53 (021) = 40 = 03.82 Encyclopedia of physics in French, translated from the Russian

General Attachments numbers of the form

The general trailer numbers of the form used to identify the form of a determined by the Principal Paying term. They are represented as ( 0 ..) ( spoken bracket zero). Here are some examples:

  • (021) Extensive books. Complete Catalog ( with a total of more than 1000 pages ) ( 021.1 ) without technical knowledge to understand representations ( 021.11 ) Low requirements. popular representations
  • ( 021.13 ) High demands
  • ( 042.3 ) Presentations

General Attachments numbers of the place

The general trailer numbers of the place are used to identify the spatial position of a term, which is called by the main number. The numbers represent the attachments of the place is (...) (pronounced " clip ").

It features:
