Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale"

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The University of Naples " L' Orientale " (Italian: Università degli Studi di Napoli " L' Orientale " ( UNIOR ), formerly Istituto Universitario Orientale ( IUO ) and Latin, called Institutum Orientalis Neapolitan ) is one of the state universities in Naples. It is the oldest university of Sinology and Oriental Studies in Europe and looks back on a long tradition in the field of the study of European, Asian, African and American languages ​​, cultures and societies.

Since its inception, it sees itself as a study and research center, stand in the differences and similarities of the different cultures in the foreground. The " L' Orientale ", as it is usually called abbreviated in Italian, was founded in 1732 as the " Collegio dei Cinesi ", a college for the study of Chinese language. At the foundation of the missionary Matteo Ripa (1682-1746) was instrumental.

Although the study of Oriental languages ​​and cultures still constitutes one of the main priorities of the University, this consists of several faculties nowadays.


  • Faculty of Literature and Philosophy ( Lettere e Filosofia )
  • Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Literature ( lingue e Letterature straniere )
  • Faculty of Political Science ( Scienze politiche )
  • Faculty of Islamic Studies and Mediterranean culture ( Studi arabo - islamici e del Mediterraneo )