University of Luxembourg

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The University of Luxembourg (French Université du Luxembourg) was founded in 2003 and is spread over the three sites Kirchberg, Limpertsberg and Walferdingen. Expected with the completion of the house of knowledge ( Maison du savoir ) the university will move to a new location on the former grounds conversion Esch -Belval.


Research and teaching at the university level, there has been in Luxembourg, even before establishment of the University. The Centre Universitaire de Luxembourg ( CUNLUX ) included a Département des Lettres & des Sciences Humaines, a Philosophical Seminar, a seminar Ancient Studies, a seminar Medieval History ( Michel Margue ), a seminar Modern History (Jean -Paul Lehner ), a seminar History ( Gilbert Trausch ), a seminar ISIS ( Interdépendances des sociétés, interaction of Sciences ), a seminar CERF (Centre d' Etudes et de Recherches Francophones ), a linguistic seminar, seminar English Studies and an American Studies Center.

" The remarkable performance as the medieval research that has the Centre Luxembourgeois de Documentation et d' Etudes médiévales ( CLUDEM ) exhibit that has opened at foreign universities too often the name of the CUNLux in the first known, or the colloquia of the Charles -Marie Ternes established in the field of ancient history, a Se ( Seminaire d' Études Anciennes ) for years organized for historians and archaeologists have been given less attention, in fact, in Luxembourg as abroad. however After all, the CLUDEM 1997 in Luxembourg, the Lions get price. "

The teacher training was conducted by the Institut Supérieur d' Etudes et de Recherches Pédagogiques ( ISERP ) in Walferdingen. IEES served the training of graduate educators. The technological research knew the Institut Supérieur de Technologies (IST).

The University of Luxembourg replaces these facilities and is legally their successors.

Key data

The first rector was the French-Canadian Professor François Tavenas ( 1942-2004 ). Since 2005, the Spanish physicist of German descent Rolf Tarrach is (* 1948 in Valencia) Rector.

The university is internationally oriented. Bachelor students must spend at least one semester abroad. When teaching programs and student exchange cooperates with numerous universities university in Europe and overseas. Lectures are held usually in two languages ​​- depending on the course in English and German, French, and German or English and French. To help you get started, the University organizes language courses for students.

The student numbers are steadily increasing. For the winter semester 2010/2011 five percent more enrollments were recorded as in the previous year

The approximately 6,200 students from about 100 countries, around 170 teachers from 20 countries. The enrollment fee is usually 200 euros per semester. Enrollment for the winter term are available from July to September for the summer semester in January and February.

Faculties and Courses

The teaching programs are consistently built after the Bologna system and are based on the interests of young people and the needs of the labor market. Students can currently choose from eleven bachelor's degree programs and 23 master's degree programs.

  • The Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication offers undergraduate degree programs in the fields of engineering, computer science and life sciences as well as a Master's degree in Information & Computer Sciences and another in Integrated Systems Biology.
  • The Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance is concentrated in the bachelor's degree programs in business administration and economics, law and computer science operation. The Master's programs are focused on banking and finance, European Law, entrepreneurship and innovation, and data security management.
  • The Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education offers bachelor degree programs in the fields of education and social sciences, psychology and European cultures. The master's degree programs ranging from philosophy, psychology and European history on mediation and Gerontology, cross-border communication and cooperation to a Master in Sustainable European Spatial Development and the "Master in Learning and Development in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts". New items include a Master in European Governance as well as a " Erasmus Mundus " Master in German and French Philosophy in the European area.


Research is one of the core competencies of the University of Luxembourg. The research at the institution deliberately focuses on a limited number of scientific areas that are seen as a priority. Highest priority will be up to the year 2013, the following five areas:

  • International Financial Sciences
  • Security and reliability of information technology
  • System Biomedicine
  • European and International Economic Law
  • Education and learning in multilingual and multicultural contexts

Other research areas are:

  • Interface -induced properties in condensed matter
  • Luxembourg - studies
  • Environmental resources, technologies and changes
  • Business and Entrepreneurship
  • Social and personal development
  • Mathematics
  • European Governance

The Laboratoire de linguistique et de Littératures luxembourgeoises deals with linguistic and literary aspects of the Luxembourg in the context of multilingualism. It was founded in September 2006 and is part of the interdisciplinary Unité de Recherche IPSE. The national identity of Luxembourg is strongly defined by Luxembourgish as the national language; to the results of a new scientific publication.

In December 2009, the " Luxembourg Atlas " is now available. In almost 100 contributions from more than 70 authors from science and practice a variety of topics are presented in maps, aerial images and photos as well as with German and French texts.

On 17 December 2009, the University Partnership Agreement concluded with the Technical University of Berlin, the Technical University of Darmstadt and TU Dresden. First joint research project with the TU Dresden will be located in the field of plastics technology. With the Technical University of Darmstadt, a project is planned in the field of computer security. In September 2009, an agreement between the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Luxembourg Fonds National de la Recherche ( FNR) has been made for cooperation in basic research.

Luxembourg labor law known as the rule only to permanent contract. That the university by the legislature a few exceptions granted by this principle has resulted in the case of Assistant Professor Gudrun Ziegler to a lawsuit that is expected the output that greater legal certainty stop off.
