University of Paris-Sud

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The Paris-Sud University or University of Paris 11 is a university in the Paris metropolitan area.


The college was founded in 1970 and comprises five faculties, three Institute Universitaires de Technologie ( IUT ) and a school of engineering ( the Institut de Formation des Ingénieurs de Paris -Sud, IFIPS ).


The locations of the university are spread across the three departments of Essonne, Hauts -de -Seine and Val -de- Marne and located in the municipalities Antony, Bures- sur- Yvette, Cachan, Chatenay -Malabry, Clamart, Gentilly, Gif- sur- Yvette, Le Kremlin -Bicêtre, Orsay, Le Plessis- Robinson, Sceaux, Les Ulis and Villejuif.
