Uqturpan County

The circle Uqturpan (乌什 县, wushi Xiàn ) of the district of Aksu is located in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China. It has an area of 9064.76 km ² and has 190,000 inhabitants ( 2004). Its main town is the large village Wushi (乌什 镇).


The circle Uqturpan manages the following major towns and municipalities:

Large municipalities ( towns ,镇zhen ):

  • 乌什 镇zhen Wushi

Communities (villages, Xiang乡):

  • 阿 合 亚 乡xiang Aheya
  • 阿克托海 依 乡xiang Aketuohaiyi
  • 奥特贝希 乡xiang Aotebeixi
  • 阿恰塔格 乡xiang Aqiatage
  • 亚科瑞克 乡xiang Yakeruike
  • 亚曼苏 柯尔克孜 族 乡xiang Yamansukeerkezizu
  • 依 麻木 乡xiang Yimamu
  • 英 阿瓦提 乡xiang Yingawati