Uranyl fluoride

Light yellow solid grünlichstichiger


(none, decomposes above 300 ° C)

Very well in water ( 64.4 g/100 g water, 20 ° C)


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Uranyl fluoride ( UO2F2 ) is a uranium compound that is an intermediate product in the conversion of uranium hexafluoride UF6 to uranium oxide or a in the metallic form of uranium, it is also produced in the reaction of UF6 with atmospheric moisture.


Uranyl fluoride is a light yellow, grünlichstichiger solid whose color intensity varies somewhat. Good crystalline uranyl fluoride is only slightly hygroscopic. Above 300 ° C decomposes UO2F2 - depending on temperature and oxygen pressure - in HF and UO3 or U3O8.


Acute toxicity comes mainly from the fluoride ion of the compound from ( fluorosis ). Uranyl fluoride is, like all uranium compounds are highly toxic. Its radioactivity plays with respect to the dangerousness a lesser role, although you should take certain radiation protection precautions when enriched uranium ( 235U ) is present in the compound, because natural uranium is an α - emitter. The substance is corrosive and dangerous by inhalation, ingestion or skin contact. An intake by inhalation or ingestion can have a devastating effect on the organism. The consequences may occur with delay.
