Urszula Modrzyńska

Urszula Modrzyńska ( born February 23, 1928 in Srebrniki, † December 11, 2010 in Łódź ) was a Polish actress.


Modrzyńska began her acting career in 1949 in Toruń. In 1954 she completed her external degree in acting. In previous years, she has played in the theaters of Kalisz and Poznań. In 1954 she moved to the Jaracz Theatre of Łódź and also gave her cinema debut. Andrzej Wajda in 1955 gave her the female lead role in his debut film A generation. She played another memorable role in 1960 in The Crusader by Aleksander Ford but mainly she played theater. In 1960 she moved from Jaracz Theatre at Teatr Nowy in Łódź, where she belonged to a one-year break 1966/67, at the Teatr Polski in Warsaw until 1983 the ensemble. After minor guest roles until 1986 she retired permanently from the theater stage to private life.

Filmography (selection)
