
Template: Infobox time zone / OFFSET

  • International Date Line West ( IDLW )
  • Baker Iceland Time ( BIT)

Template: Infobox time zone / Alt

  • Süd-Sommer-/Nord-Normalzeit
  • Sea ​​area
  • Nord-Sommer-/Süd-Normalzeit
  • Standard time throughout the year

UTC - 12 is a time zone which has the 180th longitude as a reference meridian. On clocks with this time zone is twelve hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time and thirteen hours earlier than the CET. The only time zones with this time zone are International Dateline West ( IDLW ) directly to the International Date Line and Baker Iceland Time ( BIT).

In IDLW are only two - uninhabited - Islands, Baker Island and Howland Island. The just west adjacent zone with time UTC 12 uses the same reference meridian on the other side of the dateline. The two time zones have a time difference of 24 hours. Therefore the same time, but a different date is one day. It's on there watches therefore eleven hours later than the CET.


All year round

  • United States United States Baker Island ( uninhabited )
  • Howland Island ( uninhabited )

UTC -12 | UTC -11 | UTC-10 | UTC-9: 30 | UTC-9 | UTC-8 | UTC-7 | UTC-6 | UTC-5 | UTC -4: 30 | UTC -4 | UTC 3:30 | UTC -3 | UTC -2 | UTC -1 | UTC | UTC 1 | UTC 2 | UTC 3 | 3:30 UTC | UTC 4 | 4:30 UTC | UTC 5 | UTC 5:30 | 5:45 UTC | UTC 6 | 6:30 UTC | UTC 7 | UTC 8 | UTC 9 | 9:30 UTC | UTC 10 | UTC 10:30 | UTC 11 | UTC 11:30 | UTC 12 | UTC 12:45 | UTC 13 | UTC 13:45 | UTC 14

  • Time zone