Utricularia asplundii

Flowering of Utricularia asplundii

Utricularia asplundii is a carnivorous plant in the genus of the water hoses ( Utricularia ). It is native to Colombia and Ecuador.


Utricularia asplundii is a perennial and epiphytic, rarely terrestrial living plant of creeping habit. It forms delicate, branched stolons of up to 10.0 cm in length and 0.5-1.0 mm in thickness. These clumps elliptical storage tubers of 6-12 mm length appear. The stalked leaves appear individually or in pairs from each stem base. The much annoying, about 0.25 mm thick lamina is elliptic, leathery and has a pointed to slightly rounded tip. It reaches a length of 4-16 cm and a width of 1-1.2 cm. The total length of the foliage is about 8.0 to 16.0 cm with stems. The entire plant is covered with cylindrical glands.

The traps appear in large numbers and sit primarily on the submerged Stolonzweigen. They are stalked, spherical and their size varies from 0.8 to 1.3 mm. The vent is near the base and the left and right of the door is a curved appendage.

The inflorescence grows erect or semi-erect, is of simple construction and unbranched or in rarer cases - branched. It is 15.0 to 36.0 cm long, the stem is round in cross section, 0.5-1.0 mm thick and hairy glandular particularly at the top. The bracts are fused at their base, narrow - ovate and about 2.0-6.0 mm long. There appear one to four flowers at regular intervals of about 1-2 cm. The sepals are slightly oval and both about 1.0-1.5 cm long. The corolla is 1.5-2.0 cm long and whitish with pink hem. The upper lip is broad petals ovate with a rounded tip, it is only slightly longer than the sepals. The lower lip is broad wedge -shaped and has a yellowish double stain near the flower throat, from this go parallel, magenta strips. The tip of the lower lip is deeply incised and three-lobed, each Lobe has a rounded tip. All petals have tiny glandular cilia on their edges. The flower spur is cone-shaped, pointed, curved from the middle to strong towards the front and outside occupied by glandular eyelashes.

The seed capsules are ovate, its length is about 7.0 mm; the capsule walls are of membrane-like structure. The seeds are cylindrical and about 0.7 mm in size.

Distribution and habitat

Utricularia asplundii is native to the tropical rain forests of Colombia and Ecuador. Where it grows in moist moss beds on trees in altitudes between 150 to 1500 m, often associated with Utricularia jamesoniana.


Utricularia asplundii is assigned to the section Orchidioides.

