Utricularia mangshanensis

Utricularia mangshanensis is a carnivorous plant from the family of the water hose plants ( Lentibulariaceae ), which was first described in 2007.


Utricularia mangshanensis is an annual herbaceous plant that reaches a height 3-6 inches in bloom. The numerous, 0.5 to 8 (rarely to 10) cm long and 0.2 to 0.3 millimeters thick stolons are thready and either un - or towards the end, slightly branched.

The resting on the ground, and numerous sessile leaves arise partly the approach of the inflorescence axis and partly the stolons, the leaf blades are linear or reverse- egg-shaped, 0.8 to 2.2 inches long and 1 to 2.5 mm wide, membranous and usually irregularly branched, each branch is the very small up to 6 millimeters long and rounded at the tip, with a few irregular einnervig side ribs. The numerous traps usually grow on the stolons, often on the lower side of blade, there close to the edge. They are ovate, stalked and 0.6 to 0.9 millimeters long, the sides of the opening, there are two simple awl- like appendages, which serve as the trigger of the trap.

The single, erect and unbranched inflorescence axis is high 3 to 6 inches, the thread-like flowers stem is bare and leafless, 2-4 cm long and 0.4 to 0.7 mm thick. Supporting and bracteoles are alone at the base of the inflorescence and are mutually incompatible grow, the bracts are broadly ovate, rounded at the tip and 0.8 mm long, the bracts oblong- round, with a rounded tip and slightly narrower than the bracts.

The one or two, rarely three flowers stand on upturned, 0.4 to 1.3 centimeters long and 0.2 to 0.3 millimeters thick, leafless flower stems. The scarcely innervated smooth calyx lobes are of unequal size and shape. The upper lobe is broadly oval to heart-shaped, at the end with a pointed appendage and 1.5 to 2 mm long and wide; lower smaller ovate to elliptic oblong- round, trimmed, notched tip, 1 to 1.5 mm long and about 0.6 mm wide. The crown is 4 to 6 mm long, white and has a yellow Saftmal at the base of the lower lip. The upper lip is ovate oblong- round with wide -trimmed lace and of about the same length as the upper calyx lobes, the lower lip is fan - to axtförmig, thickened at the base, rounded at the tip, entire, slightly wavy, 3 to 4 millimeters long and 4 to 5 millimeters wide. The yellow palate is densely covered with short hairs. The 3.5 to 5 millimeters long spur is commended shaped and slightly curved upwards, slightly longer than the lower lip and cleft at the top in two small pointed lobes.

The stamens are bent around 0.6 millimeters long, which counters the anthers are distinct. The round ovary is bare and single chamber, with rounded, almost sitting central placenta at the outer end of an extension to the upper part of the ovary wall is fused. The stylus is short, but clear. The scar is bilobed, the bottom is circular and back over the grain surface, the upper lip is substantially smaller, oblong- circular or triangular.


Utricularia mangshanensis is located in the Mang Mountains, a nature reserve in China's Henan Province, at an altitude of 750 m in a subtropical climate. It thrives there on wet cliffs between mosses.

Systematics and Botanical History

Utricularia mangshanensis was first collected in 2003 during a botanical excursion. After further collections made in 2004 and the realization that they are dealing with a previously unknown type, published G.-W. Hu late 2007, the original description, the species epithet refers to the locality.

Utricularia Utricularia peranomala mangshanensis is very similar, a species previously monotypic the section Kamienskia formed and in the Utricularia mangshanensis was also provided. From Utricularia peranomala it differs mainly in the irregular branching of the leaves, the non- adult support and continue reading, the white bloom with yellow Saftmal and the cleaved spur.


  • Water hose plants
  • Lentibulariaceae
  • Insect-eating plant