Vai language

Spoken in

Niger - Congo

  • Mande West -Mande centrally Manding - Jogo Manding - Vai Vai - Kono


Vai, alternatively known as Wey, Vy or Gallinas, a Mandesprache that of about 104,000 inhabitants of Liberia and of smaller population ( about 15,500 people ) is spoken in Sierra Leone is ..

The musical language is known that she has a writing system used today, which is not based on the Latin alphabet. These Vai script is a syllabary, which was developed by Momolu Duwalu Bukele around 1815, and was introduced to 1833, the territory of the Vai in Liberia. The existence of the Vai was in 1834 in the Missionary of the ABCFM Harald by American missionaries and regardless of Rev. Sigismund Wilhelm Koelle, a sierraleonesischen agents of the Church Mission Society of London reported.
