
Error is the term for a heraldic fur, which takes its name from squirrel fur: received ( furrier language error ). The stocking is emblazoned with gefeht.

Origin of the heraldic symbol

Error is not clearly attributable in heraldry, and may herald a picture, a common figure, even a shield division or a tincture to be. Other designations are common error, Hutfeh ​​but also of skin. In the German, French and English heraldry it is expected to fur and belongs to the ancient heraldic elements. What it is to be expected, has already been discussed by many heraldists without final result. In heraldry is the error, before Kürsch and ermine, the most common variant of the category fur.

Error originally represented the area-wide sewn together small furs represents, not the native red squirrel European (Sciurus vulgaris), but the valuable Winterfell its eastern ( Siberian ) subspecies, with blue- gray back and white dewlap ( abdomen). The alternate direction sewn skins appear once silvery another time rather in a blue hue and therefore gave this pattern its name.

The fur piece itself can be found in rounded and angular forms: The first form is called Wolkenfeh (French vair antique), the second consists specifically Eisenhutfeh ​​(English and French vair ), the element is called Eisenhütlein, especially modeled on the military headgear Eisenhut. Next to it then find more stylized forms.

But there are various other uses of the fur pieces, so that besides the actual fur coat of arms, other characters have shown. The representations of squirrel skins then increasingly abstracted, and were difficult to read in their origin. In modern heraldry error is a purely ornamental coat of arms element.

Error, brats

Colorful plant

Error as a garment

The representation of the Zürcher Wappenrolle of 1350 still clearly shows the technical solution of the problem, to install on a stringed of furs sign an ornamental shield, this is mounted by two clips. The same method as the hat crest.

Variants and Tincture

In general, the hat - shown in silver in blue, which is the actual error (1) - according to its origin. The coat of arms is created by rows sharing the impression of an upright blue form, between which is the same shape head in silver. Are the silver forms, one speaks of fallen ( Sturzfeh ) ( 4).

Rule detention is the staggered arrangement in the ranks, the hat is placed directly above each other, one speaks of Pfahlfeh (2). Ungestürzt and plunged confused per row gives Wechselfeh ( a zig -zag pattern ), Stake Gegenfeh (3).

If other tinctures are applied, it is called gefeht, in the description is then the color that appears in the upper left point of the shield, is listed first. Buntfeh is called a multi-colored design. In the English and French heraldry is called, colorful error 'when the tincture of error differs in silver blue, the Buntfeh is seen as a specifically German heraldic appearance. English, the terms Verrey and verry for a special Eisenhütlein - form, the former designation applies to the normal silver - blue version, and the second term for the green-yellow or yellow- green tincture, other colors are Vairy of " [ colors ] " tinged ( 5.6 ).

List of error types

The remarks may be in addition to the generally accepted normal proportions in Kleinfeh or in Großfeh in the blazon or in the field.

  • Eisenhutfeh ​​, Glockenfeh, Buntfeh, Spaltfeh, Schmetterlingsfeh
  • Krückenfeh, Krückenpfahlfeh, Sturzkrückenfeh, Wechselkrückenfeh, shifted Krückenfeh
  • Lappenfeh, Dornenfeh, Wogenfeh
  • Schuppenfeh, shifted Schuppenfeh, Spickelfeh, Spickelsturzfeh
  • Sturzfeh, Sturzgegenfeh, Sturzpfahlfeh
  • Wechselfeh, Wechselgegenfeh, Balkenfeh
  • Wellensturzfeh
  • Wolkenfeh, Wolkenpfahlfeh, Wolkengegenfeh, Doppelwolkenfeh
  • Zinnenfeh, Schindelsturzfeh

If a cross is on his arms with error, it calls the heraldist Fehkreuz. Suitable the common cross is covered with Eisenhütlein.








If a Fehelement ( hat) split and tinged with two colors, says the Herald of split error. Has the regularity of Hütleinanordnung an offset, it is a shifted error.

Altfeh is a variation in wave-like arrangement of the error. From Großfeh says the Herald, if less than three pieces of fur in the shield or box next to each other.

